
Monday, November 28, 2011

A Bullet Sits Atop It - Copper Watch Face and Bullets Pocket Watch Pendant by DreamSteam

Bullet Pocketwatch Pendant by DreamSteam

Greetings, everyone!

This is the newest piece I have made; it is the first in a series of Wild West steampunk influenced pocket watch pendants that I hope to continue making as long as my supply of pocket watch cases and bullets holds out (I know, I can get more of either).

A vintage pocket watch case forms the base for the piece.  The stamped copper watch face forms the background for some interesting found items, two of which I found at the shooting ranges I frequent: an exquisitely rusted gear, a feathered brass fired bullet casing, and a fired bullet which bounced off of a steel target.  Crystal-clear resin encases all of these items, forming a smooth dome on the front.

As for the photo, I am not finished attempting to photograph this piece (translation: I want a better picture!) and I may or may not sell it with the brass chain seen here, since I want to sell it with something better.  My many ideas for a fancy necklace to enhance the pendant have been eliminated one by one as I have tried them and either they did not work as I had planned, or I just did not like them as well as I thought I would.  The creative process can be a harsh one!

This pendant/necklace will be for sale in my ArtFire studio very soon (hopefully this week), so keep an eye out for it there. (Edit: Done! I have posted this piece for sale, with the brass chain pictured, and posted a better photo of it.)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Steampunk (and other) Things I Saw in San Francisco in 2011

Greetings, everyone!  This post is link-rich and a little edgy.

As you may know from my Winchester Mystery House post, I finally made the voyage to the Bay area  in September, and had a laundry list of steampunk-related things I could still go see (most  sp events occurred earlier in the year, drat). Though it was but a wish list, some became memories for me as I was guided to some amazing local establishments (The Chieftain and Roux, both were amazing!) and some traditional touristy places by my resident guide, even after I had lost my wallet on the second evening I was there.(It was found and returned the day before I was to depart, so I tried to enjoy myself even though I sweated bullets the whole time about having no identification and no money.)

Reminiscent of days of yore is the Hubba Hubba Revue at the DNA Lounge. Some reviewers claim it is the most presitgious variety/burlesque show in the country, and it was on my agenda, jet lag allowing (I had find some coffee to keep me going long enough to see Lee Presson, yet I still did not make it long enough; the "standing room only" venue madie it tough on my weary... well ... everything. One a.m. SF time was 4 a.m. to me, and I had to fold shortly thereafter.  Lee apparently emceed the last set of the night.).  Oh well, maybe next time I'll plan a little better and not try to stay up all night after a 20 hour day of travel.  The show was fascinating, nonetheless! The costumes alone were worth the price of admission (corsets and ruffles, anyone?). Here is a link to the video they showed on stage as a tribute to the 5 year history of the Revue. (Probably NSFW, depending on where you work.  Just saying.)

I also rode the cable car (quite an adventure, that!) down to Pier 39 and passed the Musee Mechanique, which contains a vast collection of vintage carnival machines.  (I had planned on going in, but it was getting late, and I wanted to go take a photo of Alcatraz and the SF Bay Bridge before it got too dark); then on the walk back past the Musee, I was famished and decided to go eat instead. But you can investigate their site; they have better pictures than I could have gotten with my phone!

Here are photos I took from the pier.

Alcatraz, seen through the rigging of the sub USS Pampanito

The Golden Gate Bridge, seen behind the 1800's ship Blaclutha

A very large and inquisitive gull, who found a good seat for the gorgeous sunset

I have other photos from around the area, but these are the only vaguely steampunkish subjects (except the seagull, of course, he was just too cute).  It was a memorable trip; I hope to go back someday when actual steampunk faires and such are going on, which usually happen in the spring/summer. I tip my hat to all who use public transit as their main method of travel around there; your patience astounds me!  (My journey to the pier went something like this: walk, wait for and then ride the bus, walk, light rail, train, walk, find and wait on the bus, walk, wait for the streetcar, then walk even more. The up side is that I lost four pounds in five days from the walking, lol.) A memorable experience all around, indeed.