
Friday, January 8, 2010

SeeThe Future... From the Past

I have so many ideas and pieces in the works for this wondrous New Year, that I hardly know where to begin.

Perhaps... in the past!

That seems sad and ironic, doesn't it?

My reasoning is this:  people LOVED a few of my designs enough to buy them again and again, and even request custom-made pieces of similar designs.   These things SOLD.  A big benefit for someone who is trying to do just that!

So.  I have posted many of said pieces on ArtFire for all to see, and for me to ponder and possibly recreate this year.  Many have been featured here in my blog, but many more have not.

One reason I am sharing this innocuous tidbit of information is that ArtFire provides a little button that says "Request Similar Item" at the bottom of every Gallery listing photo; if you should see something there which you would like to own, it is quite likely that I can make a duplicate or something very close in design.  Please feel free to communicate your idea to me.


I do enjoy making new and experimental designs, but the popular ones do help fund my work.  I, too, like the Steampunk Sun pendant line, so expect to see more of those for sale.  

Now.  Go forth and find something that I may make for you!  :)

~ DS

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