
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tales from Anachrocon 2012, Part 1 - Weapons Galore

Display of VAPTC rifles, Anachrocon 2012
     One of my first stops in the main vendor room was to a table manned by Captain Bill Bill of the Venusian Airship Pirate Trading Company.  The description of their mission begins thus:

"The Venusian Airship Pirate Trading Co. Operates off of a Fleet of Airships gracefully floating 5 miles above the surface of Venus...As we travel through  time we collect weaponry from everyplace we go. Unfortunately when we return to our home time of 1879, we find we are without the necessary components and ammunition to make these odd and diverse weapons operate. Thus, we have to adapt them to the technology of steam and gears that are available to make them operate correctly.  If you have ever priced the amount of coal it takes to get an airship from Earth to Venus, you will understand that we let nothing go to waste. Every possible thing we find is recycled, reused and repurposed."

Table o'guns by the Venusian Airship Trading Co., Anachrocon 2012

      While I drooled over the ingenuity of the weapons on the table before me, the Captain noticed the revolvers I was wearing in my holsters.  I drew one and handed it to him for examination, mentioning that it was my first attempt at weapons modification, and that they were not truly finished. At that point, the good Captain complimented me on the revolvers, with a "very well done, m'lady."  (That is right.  The ones I had created!) My head reeled with delight that he had done so, as he and his famed company have an incredible amount of experience and talent.  To further push me into "squee" mode, he mentioned a tip on one place to find good gun manufacturing parts: LCD televisions.  Now you know. 
     Here is a photo of one gun that I modded; the other one is a match.  They do still need some work, as I ran out of time before the con, and had plans to add a few more details and some contrasting colors.

Weaponry by DreamSteam!

     Many folk had incredible sidearms and fantastic handheld weapons, photos of some of which will soon appear in the photo gallery for your enjoyment.

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