One day, as I browsed the web for a long time searching for unique materials with which to make jewelry, I commented to a friend that I absolutely had to cease my efforts and go accomplish some daily tasks. He inquired if I had "ferret shock," and pointed out that it was an actual term.
Given that I have only met one or two ferrets, it took me a few seconds to remember that he may be referring to their love of all things shiny; I replied that in my case, such a syndrome would result from too many amazing old, rusty, copper and brass things, and that he must come up with a term for that.
Being a clever person, he instantly responded. "Overclunk," he said. Perfect!
The original definition:
Ferret shock: A state of extreme disorientation caused by an excessive number of choices or stimuli. Coined by Pete Abrams in the early years of the webcomic, Sluggy Freelance; specifically in reference to the character, Kiki, and her tendency to enter a catatonic state when faced with a large number of 'shiny' things. |
This post may have more relevance after the weekend of the 25th, when I plan on making it to Anachrocon!
(Otherwise, it simply shares something I found amusing. *grin*)
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